Pharmacovigilance, cosmetovigilance,  materiovigilance, nutrivigilance…  the different types of health vigilance are growing rapidly. An increasingly meticulous monitoring now applies to all health-related products.

Europe: a driving force for change. Recurrent public health scares have made people in Europe aware of health risks. The European parliament has rationalized the decision-making process within the EU on issues related to the safety of health products, by guaranteeing the application of safety measures. … Read more

To protect its visitors and employees against Covid 19, Vigipharm applies health protection measures on its premises.
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About us

VIGIPHARM is a health vigilance company, providing services to all manufacturers of health products. …Read more…



Our skills

The pharmacovigilance business is becoming more diverse in all areas of health vigilance: cosmetovigilance, materiovigilance, nutrivigilance etc. …Read more…


Creating your service

If you are new to the sector of pharmaceutics, cosmetics, medical devices or food supplements and you do not have a vigilance service yet, we can help you create one. …Read more…


Global management

Instead of creating a dedicated in-house service, Vigipharm will manage all aspects of your health vigilance department. Depending on the fields of activity, this service includes:…Read more…


One-off assignments

You would like Vigipharm to manage some of your vigilance obligations, you need one-off help with a specific task ? …Read more…


Medical information

A 24/7 service. We answer questions regarding medical information from the general public and health care professionals about your health products …Read more…

Formation Pictogram

Training center

Since its creation, Vigipharm has been developing its training courses to meet its clients’ needs. …Read more…


Quality management

Vigipharm pays particular attention to the quality of its services and functioning. …Read more…




If you have a question, need a quote, or simply want to speak to us ?
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Anticipating regulatory constraints to achieve excellence. Instead of struggling to keep up with changes in legislation, it is better to be one step ahead and optimize your services so as to effectively manage any potential crisis.

The complexity of European regulations should not deter newcomers. With the help of renowned professional health vigilance experts like Vigipharm, they will be informed of all changes in constantly evolving legislation.… Read more…
